1930 Magniez Baussart Jean Borotra Les As des Sports card, ranked 3rd in world dates this series

1930 Magniez Baussart Jean Borotra "Les As des Sports" card, ranked 3rd in world dates this card - and the series.  Another card is the series whichj dates it is the World Record middle-distance ru... Read more

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1930 Magniez Baussart Jean Borotra Les As des Sports card, ranked 3rd in world dates this series
1930 Magniez Baussart Jean Borotra "Les As des Sports" card, ranked 3rd in world dates this card - and the series.  Another card is the series whichj dates it is the World Record middle-distance ru... Read more
Shipping info
Australia NZ far east etc £20
1930 Magniez Baussart Jean Borotra "Les As des Sports" card, ranked 3rd in world dates this card - and the series.  Another card is the series whichj dates it is the World Record middle-distance runner, Jules Ladoumegue, the 1st man under 3.50 in the 1500m! He did that in 1930. His card mentions it.Borotra was twice ranked 3rd in the world, once in 1925 (way too early for this series) and 1930 by top tennis ranker Wallace Myers, see here:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Top_ten_ranked_male_tennis_players_(1912%E2%80%931972)CARD IS SOLD AS SEEN with faults
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