1932 Germany issue cigarette card by Bulgaria Tobacco.England, led by Arsenal's David Jack, May 1930 in Germany.Goodhall HUDD, Jack ARS, Hibbs BRUM,Blenkinsop WEDNESDAYAlf Strange WEDNESDAY, Webst...
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1932 Germany issue cigarette card by Bulgaria Tobacco.England, led by Arsenal's David Jack, May 1930 in Germany.Goodhall HUDD, Jack ARS, Hibbs BRUM,Blenkinsop WEDNESDAYAlf Strange WEDNESDAY, Webst...
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1932 Germany issue cigarette card by Bulgaria Tobacco.England, led by Arsenal's David Jack, May 1930 in Germany.Goodhall HUDD, Jack ARS, Hibbs BRUM,Blenkinsop WEDNESDAYAlf Strange WEDNESDAY, Webster BORO, Marsden WEDNESDAYCrooks DERBY, Watson WEST HAM, Joe Bradford BRUM, Rimmer WEDNESDAY
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