1948 Kiddy's hearts Popular Players 11 Portsmouth Sunderland
1948 Kiddy's hearts "Popular Players" x11 including Portsmouth, Sunderland, Aberdeen etc. Generally nice condition throughout. These sell for around £5 each on auction sites. BARGAIN: less than £2....
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1948 Kiddy's hearts Popular Players 11 Portsmouth Sunderland
1948 Kiddy's hearts "Popular Players" x11 including Portsmouth, Sunderland, Aberdeen etc. Generally nice condition throughout. These sell for around £5 each on auction sites. BARGAIN: less than £2....
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1948 Kiddy's hearts "Popular Players" x11 including Portsmouth, Sunderland, Aberdeen etc. Generally nice condition throughout. These sell for around £5 each on auction sites. BARGAIN: less than £2.75 each here
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