1953 Colinville Wow! Gum album + 73 Favourites of the Screen loose movie star cards

1953 Colinville Wow! Gum album + 73  Favourites of the Screen loose movie star cards, Gene Kelly, Liz Taylor, Richard Burton, Roy Rogers, Joan Crawford, James Mason, Lauren Bacall, etc. Buyer gets ... Read more

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Australia NZ far east etc £20

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1953 Colinville Wow! Gum album + 73 Favourites of the Screen loose movie star cards
1953 Colinville Wow! Gum album + 73  Favourites of the Screen loose movie star cards, Gene Kelly, Liz Taylor, Richard Burton, Roy Rogers, Joan Crawford, James Mason, Lauren Bacall, etc. Buyer gets ... Read more
Shipping info
Australia NZ far east etc £20
1953 Colinville Wow! Gum album + 73  Favourites of the Screen loose movie star cards, Gene Kelly, Liz Taylor, Richard Burton, Roy Rogers, Joan Crawford, James Mason, Lauren Bacall, etc. Buyer gets the album - no cards stuck inside - and the 73 loose cards, some have faults, it's a mixed lot, sold as seen with faults. Note: they only all me 5 pictures here, so I'll show what I can...
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