Woody Bay City Rollers 1970s Fan Club Photograph with printed Autograph

A vintage Bay City Rollers photograph. Featuring Stuart Wood along with his printed autograph. It is believed to have been issued via the BCR Fan Club in the 1970’s. It measures 142mm x 89mm. No fo... Read more

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Woody Bay City Rollers 1970s Fan Club Photograph with printed Autograph
A vintage Bay City Rollers photograph. Featuring Stuart Wood along with his printed autograph. It is believed to have been issued via the BCR Fan Club in the 1970’s. It measures 142mm x 89mm. No fo... Read more
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With tracking - please message for details.
With tracking - please message for details.
A vintage Bay City Rollers photograph. Featuring Stuart Wood along with his printed autograph. It is believed to have been issued via the BCR Fan Club in the 1970’s. It measures 142mm x 89mm. No folds or creases. In excellent condition.
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